Thursday, May 3, 2012

Joint replacement in Asheboro NC means a new lease on life

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Every day, orthopedic surgeons in Asheboro NC perform many joint replacement surgeries. They utilize innovative and the latest surgery techniques. A joint is a combination of two or more bones that allow our body to move, like our shoulders and knees. Damaged joints will lead to pain and reduction of movement in daily activities. When joints function properly, we can freely move without any discomfort at all.

Damage to joints

Common reasons that joints get damaged are arthritis and injuries. Arthritis is simply the wear and tear our joints go through over the years. Arthritis will result in pain, swelling and stiffness. Joints damaged by advanced arthritis cannot heal themselves and should be replaced by joint surgery. In the case of injuries, joints get damaged because of the pressure and impact they are subjected to like in sports. Both these cases require surgery in order for normal movement to be restored.


A prosthesis is the term given to a new joint. It is made of plastic, metal or a combination of both. Your orthopedic surgeon at Randolph Orthopedics will seat the prosthesis in a manner that the bone will grow into it. It needs the bone to grow into it in order for it to be kept in place.

Joint surgery

Joint replacement is the procedure of surgically removing a damaged joint and putting in a new one. A joint surgery on the other hand removes the entire joint. With total joint replacement, the entire ball and socket joint is removed and replaced with metal and plastic parts that are designed to function like the original one. Most cases will only require partial replacement where the surgeon merely removes the damaged portion of the joint.

The decision to go through a joint replacement surgery has to be made by you. Orthopedic doctors and surgeons at Randolph Orthopedicsand Sports Medicine in Asheboro NC will only inform you of your condition and give recommendations. In order for us to make a wise decision, we should know what the benefits are of joint replacement. These benefits are eliminating severe pain, restoring sound sleep, reduce swelling and stiffness and prevent joint deformity.

There are alternatives to traditional jointreplacement surgery. This will include going through a minimally invasive joint replacement technique known as subvastus knee replacement surgery performed by Dr. Megan Swanson and anatomic ACL reconstruction surgery performed by Dr. Jeffrey Yaste at Randolph Orthopedics.

Joint pains and damaged joints can be treated, giving you a chance to enjoy what you enjoy doing and not miss out on it. Visit or contact trained orthopedic doctors at Randolph Orthopedics for more information on joint replacement so you can still enjoy your life.

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