Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sports medicine doctors in Asheboro NC keeps you at the top

For sports related injuries and their treatment, we should seek professional help from sports medicine doctors. They help us in returning injured body parts to full and normal function as quickly as possible. So, when we get injured when playing the sport that we love or doing recreational activities, it is calming to know that we can get help from sports medicine doctors in Asheboro NC.

For athletes, professional and amateur alike, it is quite disappointing to go through an injury. Aside from not being able to play, ordinary movements can be very painful. The purpose of sports medicine physicians is threefold - relieve immediate pain and swelling, return to full function and prevent injury in the future.

Usually, sports related injuries involve our muscles, tendons, bones, cartilage and tendons. Sports medicine doctors treat these injuries without surgery as much as possible. They would rather prefer physical therapy and rehabilitative treatment programs. However, if the injury is so severe, they may recommend for surgery.

Sports medicine physicians are mostly orthopedic surgeons. What makes them special is they specialize in the human musculoskeletal system. They study the human body in motion. Through this knowledge, they know what caused the injury as well as the treatment required for the injured body part.

As trained orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians at Randolph Orthopedics andSports Medicine in Asheboro NC can also perform surgery when necessary. Injuries that require surgery are meniscal tears, rotator cuff repair, shoulder, knee and hip replacement and anatomic ACL reconstructions. They also treat bone fractures. All these knowledge and expertise are geared towards helping patients recover from sports related injuries safely and quickly as possible.

Sports medicinedoctors at Randolph Orthopedics do more than just treat injuries. They share their knowledge and expertise in educating coaches, athletes and the rest of the community how to properly take care of the body and how to prevent injury in the future.

Suffering a sports related injury is not fun at all. It should be treated immediately so normal function can be restored right away. For more information on how sports medicine doctors can serve you and treat your injury, consult with the experts at Randolph Orthopedics today.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Enjoying life without knee pain in Asheboro NC

Many of us rarely think of knee pain and joint pains until something happens to or we get injured. We may not like to admit it but it’s true, isn’t it? Well, now that we know, we should act better and do everything we can to avoid injuries. If we do get injured, then we should know where to get help.

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Knee and joint pains and injuries contribute to the demand of sports medicine doctors. These physicians in Asheboro NC are experts in this field and will do everything they can to help us when we have knee and joint problems.

To understand our knees better, we should know its anatomy. The knee is the largest joint of the body made up of an upper and lower bone separated by discs called menisci. The surface of the bones inside the knee joint is covered with articular cartilage. The cartilage absorbs the shock and stress our knees encounter and provides a smooth gliding surface for joint movement. Clearly, the knee is a beautiful structure.

Knee pain is usually caused by injuries. Sprains, strains, ligament and tendon problems as well as meniscus tear are common injuries the knee sustains. Additionally, severe twisting, falling on the knee and fractures also cause knee injuries.

However, simple activities may also cause pain in the knees. These include jumping, stair climbing, jogging and cycling can also lead to irritation and inflammation. Finally, our joints degenerate as we age. Osteoarthritis now comes to the picture. Other types of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis, gout and lupus also cause knee pain, swelling and stiffness.

Treatment for knee pain may vary according to how severe it is. For minor injuries, treatment bracing, physical therapy mediation. However, for severe cases, surgery may already be necessary. Sports medicine doctors at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in Asheboro NC perform surgeries to help patients from recover and have their knees return to normal function. They can also perform an innovative procedure called subvastus knee replacement surgery, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that does not require to cut the quadriceps muscles.

For more information on knee pain management and treatment, including knee replacement surgery, consult with the orthopedic doctors at Randolph Orthopedics. You will gain competent advice and effective treatment plan for your injured knee.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sports medicine physicians play important role in Asheboro NC

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Sports medicine physician is actually an orthopedic surgeon. They specialize in sports-related injuries as well sports-type injuries. In Asheboro NC, your local sports medicine doctor is involved with the community and school athletic programs. They ensure the well-being of athletes so they can recover from serious injuries as well as prevent them from happening.

Sports injuries are very common and happen every day. They happen to both professional and amateur athletes. To prevent these injuries, sports medicine physicians always tell athletes to prepare well for their games. Training and conditioning are essential in an athletic program and every athlete should conform to them.

Even if we are not athletes, we too may find ourselves suffering from an injury. Mundane movements such as lifting, twisting, turning and bending over if done improperly may result to an injury. These are what we call sports-type injuries.

These types of injuries are serious and complicated. Expert medical help should be sought immediately if one is subjected to such injury. When athletes get hurt, they normally call sports medicine physicians and orthopedic surgeons to help them.

Orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine physician treat both athletes and non-athletes. They focus on finding the right source of the pain, treat the injury and suggest rehabilitative activities that will help patients recover quickly and return to full function.

Sports medicine doctors and orthopedic surgeons at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in Asheboro NC treat a wide range of sports and sports-type injuries. They include ligament problems, tendonitis, ACL problems, meniscal tears, concussions and rotator cuff problems. They also perform surgery when needed.

For more information on how sports injuries are prevented and treated, visit the sports medicine doctors at Randolph Orthopedics. For athletes and non-athletes alike who suffer from sports injuries, visit sports medicine physicians right away so you can be on your road to recovery the soonest time possible.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bone problems get proper care from talented Asheboro NC orthopedic doctors

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An orthopedic doctor possesses a variety of skills which they use as they treat their patients. They spent years of studying and practicing their profession. They also choose a field they want to be a specialist of. These fields are musculoskeletal oncology, joint replacement, bones of a particular body part and other numerous branches of orthopedics.

Orthopedic doctors treat bone problems. This is the most common reason why people visit orthopedic doctors. Aside from this, orthopedic doctors also treat bone degenerative conditions such spinal stenosis, arthritis management and joint problems. In addition, they also manage and treat carpal tunnel or rotator cuff injuries and sports injuries.

The procedure they routinely perform to treat these conditions is arthroscopy.  Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that explores damages or injuries in the shoulder, knees and hips. This procedure corrects minor joint problems but serious cases require surgery.

Orthopedic surgeons on the other hand perform surgeries. They are abreast with new surgical techniques that improve treatment and a patient’s recovery time. Orthopedic surgeons at Randolph Orthopedics perform cutting edge surgery techniques – subvastus knee replacement and anatomic ACL.

Subvastus knee replacement and anatomic ACL

Subvastus knee replacement is a procedure that does not require the quadriceps tendons to be cut. As a result, a patient experiences less trauma to the leg, faster healing and more mobility and strength to the new knee.

Anatomic ACL is a procedure that replaces a torn ligament with a graft made of tendon. This is a highly successful procedure which restores the function of the torn ligament and stabilizes the knee. Anatomic ACL is an advanced ACL reconstruction and is not yet very widely practiced.

Orthopedic doctors and surgeons at RandolphOrthopedics and Sports Medicine in Asheboro NC are highly trained in their jobs. Their expertise has allowed them to serve and help hundreds of patients looking for long term relief to their bone problems.

For a consultation, call or visit an orthopedic doctor at Randolph Orthopedics. You can get competent advice on how to manage and treat your condition so you can recover faster and have your health restored.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Good riddance to spine pain in Asheboro NC

Residents in the Asheboro NC area are quite fortunate they have reliable medical specialists to take care of their spine. When you feel pain running through your spine, consult with orthopedic doctors right away to diagnose the origin of the pain. Doing so gives you a good chance to prevent future injury as well. Remember, the aim in consulting with caring orthopedic doctors is to get treatment without necessarily performing surgery.

It is our spine that keeps us upright. It also protects the nerves that run through our spinal column. When our spine is damaged or injured, our spinal nerves send pain signals to the brain. Actually, spine pain is often the result of mundane actions that are easily avoided. These are poor physical condition, incorrect body mechanics and poor posture. If habitually practiced, spine pain will recur frequently. Orthopedic doctors understand these pain triggers and have developed effective therapeutic treatments to get rid of the pain and avoid injury.

Treatment procedures vary from case to case. In a patient’s case where the degree of damage is significant enough to warrant surgery, then surgery will have to be performed. However, some spinal injuries are not that critical they will not require surgery.

In this case, orthopedic doctors prefer non-surgical methods to treat back and spine pain. Although orthopedic surgeons are familiar with the different types of surgery, they prefer and focus on rehabilitation and physical therapy.

Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in AsheboroNC works hand in hand with the Human Motion Institute in providing effective treatment to spine pain. They provide comprehensive physical therapy services to their patients of all ages and ensure you get the treatment you need that will prevent recurrence.

If you are suffering from spine pain whether as a result of spine injury or not, contact immediately our reliable orthopedic doctors at Randolph Orthopedics.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Joint replacement in Asheboro NC means a new lease on life

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Every day, orthopedic surgeons in Asheboro NC perform many joint replacement surgeries. They utilize innovative and the latest surgery techniques. A joint is a combination of two or more bones that allow our body to move, like our shoulders and knees. Damaged joints will lead to pain and reduction of movement in daily activities. When joints function properly, we can freely move without any discomfort at all.

Damage to joints

Common reasons that joints get damaged are arthritis and injuries. Arthritis is simply the wear and tear our joints go through over the years. Arthritis will result in pain, swelling and stiffness. Joints damaged by advanced arthritis cannot heal themselves and should be replaced by joint surgery. In the case of injuries, joints get damaged because of the pressure and impact they are subjected to like in sports. Both these cases require surgery in order for normal movement to be restored.


A prosthesis is the term given to a new joint. It is made of plastic, metal or a combination of both. Your orthopedic surgeon at Randolph Orthopedics will seat the prosthesis in a manner that the bone will grow into it. It needs the bone to grow into it in order for it to be kept in place.

Joint surgery

Joint replacement is the procedure of surgically removing a damaged joint and putting in a new one. A joint surgery on the other hand removes the entire joint. With total joint replacement, the entire ball and socket joint is removed and replaced with metal and plastic parts that are designed to function like the original one. Most cases will only require partial replacement where the surgeon merely removes the damaged portion of the joint.

The decision to go through a joint replacement surgery has to be made by you. Orthopedic doctors and surgeons at Randolph Orthopedicsand Sports Medicine in Asheboro NC will only inform you of your condition and give recommendations. In order for us to make a wise decision, we should know what the benefits are of joint replacement. These benefits are eliminating severe pain, restoring sound sleep, reduce swelling and stiffness and prevent joint deformity.

There are alternatives to traditional jointreplacement surgery. This will include going through a minimally invasive joint replacement technique known as subvastus knee replacement surgery performed by Dr. Megan Swanson and anatomic ACL reconstruction surgery performed by Dr. Jeffrey Yaste at Randolph Orthopedics.

Joint pains and damaged joints can be treated, giving you a chance to enjoy what you enjoy doing and not miss out on it. Visit or contact trained orthopedic doctors at Randolph Orthopedics for more information on joint replacement so you can still enjoy your life.

Recurrent back pain should not hinder an enjoyable life in Asheboro NC

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Back pain is annoying and we should never have anything to do with it. As much as we don’t like it, we experience once in a while. The difference is that people in Asheboro NC have expert orthopedic surgeons who will help them treat their back pains. In addition, they will also advise on how to avoid it from recurring. Orthopedic surgeons can design a treatment plan for you that is both curative and preventive.

Causes of back pain

Our backs are very important. A healthy back allows us to move and do what we want, when we want. That’s why taking good care of our backs cannot be over-emphasized.

Back pain is often caused by awkward movement, improper posture, injury and sudden lifting of heavy objects. Other causes included overweight, sedentary and strenuous work and age.

Back pain prevented

We can prevent back pain from stopping us. We can perform light-impact exercise routines, watch our diet and nutrition and rest. Exercises help us strengthen our core muscles that support our back. Losing weight is very helpful as it frees our back from supporting all that weight.

Treatment for back pain

Back pain is considered acute when it lasts for a few days or weeks. It is considered chronic when it lasts for months. When we feel muscle aches, stabbing pain or pain that runs through to our legs, we should see a doctor right away. Doctors may recommend medication to relieve the pain. Orthopedic surgeons at Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in Asheboro NC will determine a treatment plan for you. This treatment plan does not necessarily include surgery. Back surgery is only applicable in very severe cases.

There is much in life to enjoy and back pain should not stop us from doing so. To help us better understand back pain, back pain management and restoration to full health, consult with experienced orthopedic surgeons at Randolph Orthopedics.